Point3D Commercial Imaging


Car Dealership Front Desk

Tony Graham Lexus

Enabling A Virtual Dealership Test Drive

In-vehicle Matterport 3D Tour of a car dealership in the Huntclub area of Ottawa. This immersive digital experience allows the client’s web visitors to farmiliarize themselves with the layout of the dealership before they visit. Furthermore, they can jump right into vehicles’ centre console and rear seat areas to inspect interior details.

The 3D Tour also incorporates multimedia labels for users to learn more about each model. Inventory pages, booking test drives, and in-tour vehicle customization are just a click away.

Matterport 3D Tour
Using the Matterport Pro2 camera, we created an immersive 3D virtual tour of Tony Graham Lexus' showroom. This tour allows online visitors the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the dealership and vehicle models before visiting in-person.
3D Walkthrough Video
Using our extensive knowledge of the Matterport 3D Tour platform, we screencaptured a walkthrough of us traversing through the space. This video was used on Tony Graham Lexus' website to entice users to visit the tour.
Google Street View
The scan points from the 3D Tour were uploaded to the Google Maps platform as a Google Street View tour. As a Google Trusted Photographer in Ottawa, these images were prioritized by Google and boosted the overall SEO score of Tony Graham Lexus' search ranking.
4K And Panoramic Images
We produced 4k images for the client to supplement their existing marketing strategies, giving them high-quality content of their space in its' ideal showing conditions. We also delivered panoramic images that were posted to Facebook natively, allowing users to look around a 360 photo right on their browser or Facebook App.
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