Point3D Commercial Imaging

What Facility Management 3D Tours Mean For Maintenance

Facility Management Team at Computer

We work with several businesses that provide Ontario facility management for large chains of stores and restaurants. They all use Point3D to quickly bring new location digital twins online as they are built, renovated, or re fit up. This allows all project and company stakeholders to view the location in its as-found condition. For example with our 3D Tours a restaurant chain in Toronto can monitor the construction of its new flagship East Coast location virtually, then have a quality marketing asset of the brand-new location.

To talk a bit about using 3D Tour for facility management, let’s play pretend, and in this dream world, you are a new restaurateur. Native to Ottawa growing up you just recently came back from opening up Salt Bae’s newest Nusr-Et steakhouse and for two years before that you were working under some of the greatest chefs throughout Europe. Back in Ottawa, you start your own farm-to-table steakhouse. Finding a suitable rent on Elgin Street, fitting up, furnishings, installing new utilities, and equipment, it’s no small labour. On top of that, you’re to come up with your own signature plates and cocktails that draw from your world experiences where you developed your culinary craft. It’s a tight deadline but you’re able to get all this done ahead of your big opening. Oh, that’s right! You can’t forget about your grand opening party! 

Sounds like a lot right? Now multiply it by hundreds of locations

Worried new restaurant owner

Multiplied by hundreds of locations, there are enough moving pieces to make anyone’s head spin. That’s the dilemma corporations encounter during aggressive expansion, things move so fast that inevitably things get lost in the fray. What coffee machine was installed at location #1001? How many high-top chairs are at location #347? Have all locations received and installed the latest POS systems?

When it comes to facility management for corporations, being available to check these items in-person for hundreds of locations is just not possible. What if companies were able to walk through all of their locations without leaving the office? That’s the facility management solution offered by Point3D Commercial Imaging. We give companies the ability to view all of their locations, perform quantity audits, and measure spot distances with the click of a button.

View and maintain hundreds of facilities without leaving the office

Using 3D Tours, a company can easily view and share the existing conditions of their locations. This can assist property managers with their facility maintenance projects as they will have a clear understanding of what equipment is installed where and being able to convey that information to contractors for tender bids.

  • Share: Easily share locations with project stakeholders, allowing them to see the facility without actually having to be there in person.
  • Label: Label specific items such as tiles, equipment, and furnishings for inventory and replacement purposes.
  • Measure: Spot measure distances to help with determining replacement and installation costs.

Canada’s Leading Facility Management 3D Virtual Tour Provider

We provide digital Several companies are already using Matterport digital twins by Point3D to assist with their Ontario facility management needs. If your organization manages several locations, capturing them with 3D Tours is a cost-efficient way to facilitate maintenance or fit-up projects across your location network.

For more information, please visit our Facility Management page or contact us.

Any Questions? Write To Us.

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